Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Simple 4 Ingredient Raw Pumpkin Seed Dip

I don't know about you, but I like to keep things SIMPLE.  Life, remedies,!

And you really can't get any more simple than this.

This dip consists of 4 ingredients that I urge you to keep as staples in your home.  To make this DELICIOUSNESS, grab the following items:

1 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup Apple Cider vinegar (ACV)
2 shakes turmeric
2 TBS minced garlic 

You're gonna need a high quality food processor! 

 For a smoother consistency, start by processing the seeds into a mill (about a minute).  Then, add the rest of the ingredients and blend for another minute. 

I just threw it all in to taste test and got this: >>>>>>>>>>

*Warning, you must like vinegar!  haha  Even if you don't, LEARN TO!  So many benefits to ACV. 

P.S. Pumpkin seeds are known to paralyze intestinal worms which prevents them from holding on to the intestinal walls during a bowel movement. 

Yay for pumpkin seeds. In fact, each ingredient in this dip is anti-parasitic.   So are CARROTS, so get your dip on!! 

Oh and take a colon cleanse like psyllium husk and bentonite clay!

Happy healing and eating to YOU!!! 


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