OMG!!!!! I am about to BLOW your MIND!!! First….you have to PINKY PROMISE, you will NOT JUDGE. Second, You have to read this with love and understanding.
My name is Lindsay Stay. I am 30 years old. I am married to the hottest man on the planet :) who has the sweetest soul. I have an adorable son who lights up my life EVERY day.
Back story…
27 years ago my Dad died. I was two. I didn’t know him, though I have heard stories about how he was the GREATEST man….when he wasn’t drinking. I don’t know much about the man he was when he WAS drinking; my Mom aims to only tell us the good stuff. 
I’m not sure if it was not having a Dad or what, but I always felt a void, felt like there was something missing. And man, I MISSED this dad I never knew or had. I would cry often about it. I would ask my friends not to talk about THEIR dads! Because of this void, I was angry, sad, and hardly ever content. I remember feeling like if I could just do this, or go there, or have that, I would feel better.
Growing up with this void, I turned to alcohol at a very young age. I mean YOUNG. Drinking on the weekends with friends, doing dumb stuff, making poor choices. Though I hated the way I felt about everything the day after, it didn’t keep me from making the SAME mistakes the very next weekend.
This behavior carried on for years. I lost a boyfriend in HS to suicide. That was tough. That pretty much put me over the edge. I drank more and more frequently. I got my first DUI when I was 19. I remember a friend writing me a letter saying she was worried about me. I thought she was crazy. Everyone was drinking in this college town. So I carried on. I got a second DUI 9 months later. Not good. I figured it was TIME to move. I thought it was the town that harbored my unhappiness and I could escape it. Boy, was I wrong. I moved to FL (best decision ever btw) but my addiction followed. By the time it was all said and done, I was 25 and I had been arrested SIX TIMES for alcohol related offenses. 4 of them being DUI’s. I used to think, “if I could just tell these officers my story. They will let me go. They will feel sorry for me”. (Uuumm it doesn’t work that way!!) You see, you do not think rationally when you are in the throes of an addiction. Nothing seems to matter and reasoning is laughable.
Through the divine intervention of God, I stumbled upon a health and fitness business called Beachbody. I was, at the time, 1 year removed from my alcoholic lifestyle and I was ready to live a life of health and wellness. I'd spent many years abusing my body and I was so intrigued by nutrition, exercise and natural living. My husband and I started a fitness program called Insanity and I lost 20 lbs. Only two months later, I found out I was expecting our first baby. It was at that time I was flooded with intuition that the world I was living in was not safe. Sound paranoid?? It is! I kept being led to different situations where I learned more and more about food safety, our household products, pharmaceuticals, and the control I had to take over it all. It was like pregnancy opened up this inner sense that I had to learn and harness.

I had a very healthy pregnancy, uncomfortable, but healthy. I had a very healthy son. Life has been amazing. I lost my baby weight easily, (gag me, right... hang on.. it get's worse) and very quickly got into the best shape of my life.  My Husband and I built an awesome business from home. I was happy, healthy, energetic and quite honestly, I felt unstoppable. Almost a year of pure bliss passed by when I went on a cruise with friends to celebrate our success in business. On the cruise, I got severely sick. Like food poisoning x 1,000 that lasted over a week.

After I somewhat returned to my old self, I could tell that I was not ever truly back to 100%. 4 months later, I started dental work. It was my first time to visit the dentist in SEVEN years. I was told I needed to fill 3 cavities and needed two root canals. I did as I was told and had the procedures, still feeling worse and worse. I was then instructed to take antibiotics to protect myself from a possible infection. I KNEW better, I did. But out of fear, I took them in hopes of killing any possible infection while neutralizing their harmful effects by amping up my probiotics and eating live foods. Still, my health was declining. Almost a year later, my husband and I were stopped at a stop sign and we were rear-ended. Seriously, the car was going only about 5 miles per hour. I thought I was FINE! A week later, I couldn't MOVE.. My sweet son would try to pull me out of bed and my body simply wouldn't function. I was weak, disoriented, fatigued, confused. My memory was shot, my body hurt and I was nauseous if I ate or didn't eat. My skin crawled, I felt overwhelmed, sad, depressed, angry. I was a MESS!!!

Clearly, there was something wrong, and figuring out WHAT, has led me to a whole new world. I didn't know where to start, so I started.... everywhere. I went to the chiropractor, I had blood drawn on 27+ diseases, I detoxed, I followed an elimination diet and I started muscle testing. And it was the kinesiologist that started me on a protocol. I felt hopeful.

Understanding that I had candida, leaky gut, bacteria, mold and parasites in my intestines, was EYE-opening. I learned the power of herbs and nutrition. I also fell in love with curing myself naturally, meaning no synthetics, no western medicine, no FDA approved prescription bologna. I decided to start this blog to share MY experiences in taking my body back and out of the control of PARASITES. It is by no means, medical or profession. Just what has worked for me the past 3 weeks that has literally given me my life back. I'm no where near fact, just beginning.

I know there are a lot of sick people. I know we are misdiagnosed and only treating the symptoms of underlying and TREATABLE issues.

And I plan to help as many people as I can discover their optimal health... naturally.

So glad you are here and I truly hope I can help.


  1. Thank you for sharing your story, for being so open honest and lighting a torch for others to live their best life and naturally as possible. Looking forward to following you on this journey and learning as much as possible. :)

  2. So excited for your blog! I've related to you from the very beginning. Recovering alcoholic myself. I recieved 2 DUI's within 3 weeks in 1996-things had to change and they did. I'm 43. I've had a few relapses since the first time I originally quit-it's a day by day choice. I've been a paramedic for 17 yrs, flight paramedic the last 6 of those. You see & feel alot in that profession, I have fell off the wagon a few times, but immediately got right back on. I went to massage therapy school in 2002, decided to go more holistic with my own healthcare. Years of being in western medicine will open anyones eyes. So excited you're sharing your journey with me & the world-

  3. There are a lot of lessons to learn from your story! I'm truly glad that you overcame those hurdles you’ve got yourself into because of the void caused by death of your father. That was a tough time you went through, and I see why the tragedy brought you to downward spiral. It’s nice to know you were able to get back on track. Though, I hope that being arrested many times for alcohol related offenses didn’t leave a permanent stain on your record. Thanks for being brave enough to share your inspirational story, Lindsay!

    Eliseo Weinstein @ JRs Bail Bond

    1. I'm sure it did Eliseo, but it doesn't bother me a bit! :)

  4. Thank you for sharing your story of mind and body healing. It gives me hope and comfort that we are not alone in suffering but can also recover! You are strong and brave in your journey, I know all to well the struggles of alcoholism (second hand, growing up watching it), many I know still struggle. Health wise I've been an odyssey this year with many issues no doctor or test can provide answers to. And it starts to effect my psyche; is it all in my head but how can I be feeling so bad? I guess your best advocate is your self and I'm embarking on a path of spiritual and physical healing, the natural way. Hoping to come out of this fog, finding the root of what ails me, not just sticking medical band aids. Looking forward to reading more posts about your road to recovery :)

  5. Hi Lindsay! I just found your blog and am so glad. I started doing the Hulda Clark protocol last Wednesday and am waiting for things to improve because I KNOW I have parasites/eggs. I was diagnosed last year after traveling to Asia but now all of my medical doctors say it's probably just post-infectious IBS. I am feeling very optimistic and reading your story helps. Hulda Clark doesn't mention the colon cleanse piece, is that necessary for this to work? Thanks!!

  6. Hi Lindsay,

    Good on you for going public with your story. This honesty is a part of any healing.

    For some of best parasite knowledge/management, suggest you and your readers also look at:

    1. This you tube:

    2. Plus suggest you look at MMS/Chlorine Dioxide for a overall clean, and to get rid of residual of vaccination - I lost dghter from vaccination.


    3. The late Hannah Kroeger from Colorado wrote a great book on 120 of the parasites in human body, and via her dghter she has great products to heal-plus see her life story- she lost dghter to vaccine, see parasite products here:

    4. In NZ I use a product (called number 825) made via Malcolm Harker- see here- , and as well I use cider vinegar daily, pumpkin seeds sometimes, range of peppers and other foods like figs and ginger and promengranite etc.

    5. A wonderful story of a vet lady who lived with gypsies and healed so much with herbs and love is found here ---
    There are 7 parts to this video...maybe it is on line as one video is amazing story.

    6 Three other wonderful healing insurances are:

    (i) Drink spring water, only spring water, and enough daily to hydrate and cleanse....our hydrated body has about 40 litres of water in it at any time (varies by body weight) ...and our brains are about 80% water!!!

    Our web site has much information about water- but we sell nothing from web site at this time --- see

    (ii) Fasting --- try regular fasts...see experts for guidance

    (iii) Fresh air --- being and do each morning breathing exercises....such as Chinese health exercises as described by Geoff Pike in his books or Tibetan exercises called Rejuvenation Rites.

    There are many many other pathways and great ideas and products (such as Gurgieff describes) ....but best we each find each best for ourselve; but sometimes it is useful someone showing some directional signs.

    David from New Zealand

  7. Did your kanesiologist test shakeology on you? I feel like i would want to be tested before i start using it
