Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Shea WHAT??? The cooler way to moisturize. ;)

So it's no surprise that WHAT we put ON our bodies, is just as important as what we PUT IN.  I know it doesn't seem like it would be, but it is.  We are covered in skin (hopefully) and our skin  is porous, and absorbs the ingredients we slather on.

I am NOT GONNA LIE.. I am not perfect in this area.  I still have some of my favorite beauty products that I haven't turned the corner on.

However, I make as many household products as clean as I can! :)

And I've found moisturizers to be pretty easy to convert.

One of my favorite ways to moisturize is with SHEA BUTTER!!  And NO, it's not because my middle name is Shea.  Well.... maybe a tiny bit why.

But it's also because it is NATURALLY derived from the seed of the Shea tree.  And doesn't need to be altered to be useful. When it is extracted and prepared without the use of chemicals and  100% pure, it is and is often referred to the 'skin's best friend'.

It's an all natural vitamin A cream and has a number of benefits for the skin.
Made from a large amount of fatty acids, it proves to be one of the best natural skin products and has been linked to improving:

-dry skin
-skin rashes
-skin peeling
-blemishes and wrinkles
-itching skin
-skin wounds
-rough or cracked skin
-stretch marks
-muscle fatigue
-eczema and dermatitis

and it's just straight up super-moisturizing.

BUT, not all Shea butter is created equal.  I get MINE off Amazon and it is 100% pure, raw an unrefined.  It doesn't need to be heated or chemically altered and should be a uniform beige color, not green, brown, or white. Just beige. If it's got a funny smell, it's the right one. Don't worry, the smell disappears after you apply it. ;)

I'll be REAL with you... it's not the MOST convenient moisturizer.  It has to melt in your hands (like any other butter) before applied to your skin. And even then, it's not super silky smooth to rub on.  But the result is worth it.  I have soft, moisturized, EVEN skin and PEACE that I'm not applying chemicals to my LARGEST ORGAN. :) '

Give it a shot.  It's fairly inexpensive, lasts forever, and a little goes a long way!

I keep a bowl next to my bed and use the it as my after-shower moisturizer and my night cream.

So far, so good!!

Other moisturizers I get down with:

Tates Miracle Conditioner and

Cold-pressed unrefined Coconut oil. :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Where the Sun Don't Shine: Garlic Enema

ahhahahah I am LAUGHING because I obviously have NO shame on my Facebook page,  because I very openly talk about enemas.  DUDE, I forget they aren't everyone's normal. 

BUT, if you have been parasite cleansing or thinking about it... you have most likely ran into some enema talk or maybe have even entertained the idea. 

Here is a little about my experience....

I am starting the last 2 weeks (of 3-2 week series) of my parasite cleanse.  And a major pain in my upper left intestines had me DOWN an OUT all last week (on my off week).  I was super bloated and every step on my left foot felt like it would burst my intestines. 

That is when I said I HAVE TO STOP and take the time for this enema. Truth is, it's not a WHOLE lot of time, but it IS prep and somewhat inconvenient... I mean... THINK about it.  hahahaha

But I do feel they are necessary in removing built up debris and parasites from the colon.  Fiber and clay are good, but sometimes, you need a little extra. 

How I prepare my garlic enema. 
***Garlic is anti-bacterial amongst many of it's health benefits and is known in the parasite world to effectively weaken the parasites so they lose their grip on your intestinal wall and thereby are flushed from the intestines. 

What you will need: 

- an enema bag
- distilled water
- a natural disinfectant (like lemon essential oil perhaps) 
- 3-6 garlic fresh cloves
- stainless steel pot
- lubricant (EVCO)

First I ordered a 2 quart enema bag from Amazon.  I read in forums you could get them from CVS and/or Walmart, but I had no luck in retail stores. 

I'm not sure I LOVE this one. It's pink and rubber and it SMELLS weird.  Because I know the water running through it, will be entering my body, I wanted to clean the enema bag thoroughly. And I did something I normally wouldn't do (but read in a parasite book to do) and I used a tsp of BLEACH in a gallon of water and soaked the enema bag and all its pieces for like an hour.  Moving forward, I will most likely use lemon essential oil and would recommend you do the same.  Rinse with distilled water. 

enema bag
Meanwhile, I poured 1 quart (4 cups) distilled water in a stainless pot and brought to a boil. Once the water reached boiling, I removed it from the heat and added my CHOPPED fresh garlic cloves. I covered the pot and let the garlic steep in the hot water for an hour OR until warm. Like, warm enough to be administered. 

The garlic needs to be crushed or sliced. 

I used a hand held mesh strainer to catch the garlic pieces and poured the garlic water into the enema bag.  Make sure the clamp on the hose is clamped. Otherwise you'll lose your liquid. 

When inserting the enema tip, you can use a lubricant like Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Just rub a little bit on the tip. Also before inserting, release the clamp that is on the hose of your enema, just til a bit of liquid comes out. This removes all air bubbles. 

You can lay on your left side or get on your hands and knees to receive the enema. I usually lay on my side in the bathtub and go to my happy place! :)  Which iiiiiiiissssss... reading about enemas and parasites!!!!!!

I set the countdown on my phone for 30 minutes. I try to hold the enema that long, but in my experience... one wrong move and holding is no longer an option.  

I will follow this up tomorrow with a probiotic enema in which I will empty 2-3 probiotic capsules into 12 oz distilled water tonight and let it sit at room temperature. This will be my first probiotic enema. I hear you have to work to get it mixed. Will keep you posted!!!   But this will replenish the good bacteria that the garlic and enema wash away. 

I followed this enema with an ANTI PARASITIC SMOOTHIE.


So, the past four cleansing weeks I expelled eggs, liver flukes and what seemed to be worm casings.  But I wasn't going to be satisfied until I saw ADULT worms.  It's part of this process, you want to SEE the things coming out to feel like it's all working. 

GRANTED, you will need to actually LOOK.  And not just look in the toilet, but actually go through the stool.  Not always fun and def not always convenient, but after an enema... you DEF want to look. 

I was pleased to find 2 large adult worms, and numerous little alien-looking things (that I saw before with my coffee enema) and an 8-9 inch mass of what looked to be either intestinal mucus or clumps of worms covered in mucus.  It was disturbing and I didn't take a picture of THAT.  I did show my Mom though... hahaha.  

Ok, so... moral of the story.  Parasite cleansing is a PROCESS.  You will want to take the herbs, you will want to eat anti-parastic foods, and you will want to use enemas.  And I have even veered to a vegan diet with no grains or sugars.  Parasites love things that break down into sugar and they love animal products and processed foods.  I am determined and EXCITED about this journey. And I know it is seriously JUST the beginning! 

I will keep posting about the additional cleanses I do, when I do them!  I have 2 weeks left on this particular cleanse. 

Stay Well Sunshine!

This is a blog on my personal experiences. I am sharing my journey and what is working for me. I am not here to diagnose or treat you. And what I do is not FDA approved. Thank God.