Monday, November 17, 2014

Anti-Parasitic Foods Discussed

Ok, so I've become somewhat OBSESSED.  I can't help it.  I want to heal my family and the WORLD.    I am testing out everything I have read that works.

Every since I've been on this journey I've been wondering: (out side of herbs) what can I eat to keep my body free from parasites?? And I have come up with several food that lend to deworming ourselves.

And truly... if you eat clean.  You are likely to keep the bulk of these foods around.  Now the trick is, incorporating them into your daily diet.

I am currently doing the PARASITE CLEANSE but I am also adding in foods that parasites hate.  And the cool part is.. I actually like the foods.  And if you don't,  I encourage you to learn to.

The somewhat discouraging thing is not all (if any) of these foods actually KILL the parasites as much as they PARALYZE them.  This is why it is incredibly important to take a colon cleanse twice daily.

Now, you can get parasites in MANY ways:  uncooked meats and fish, dairy, fruits and vegetables, pets, and contaminated water.  In fact, you can literally inhale larvae from a flower.  They are EVERYWHERE.  But, you may have noticed, not EVERYONE gets severely infected.  If your immune system is weak or your digestion is poor, the parasites can take hold.   Our goal is to kill/paralyze/remove the parasites and keep our bodies in a strong and alkaline state in which parasites do not want to live.

In hopes of doing just that^^^^, I'm going to share some of the foods that I have decided to add into my daily or weekly diet and HOW I plan incorporate them.

Lets start with Carrots.  There is a Morrocan carrot salad (recipe to come) from the Ultimate Reset that I LOVE.  It is simple, raw AND has garlic in it as well.  Double Stacked!!

You can also juice the carrots and drink it on an empty stomach or load up your salads with raw shredded carrots.

Papaya seeds.  This wasn't exactly convenient or super yummy, but out of all the forums and articles I've read, papaya seeds seem to be the fan favorite for expelling intestinal worms. I cut the papaya in half, scooped out the pulp AND seeds and used water and a colander to loosen the seeds which is antiseptic, antibiotic, antifungal, and antibacterial), it'a actually quite nice. You can also add the seeds to your smoothie or Shakeology or toss i to tour homemade salad dressing in place of pepper.
from the pulp. From there I put the seeds into a food processor with a  tablespoon of honey and blended on high for 30 seconds. I used a spatula to scrape the sides.  Enjoy 2-3 TBS at your leisure.  It is spicy, and course, but with the honey (

Pomegranate. Again, not the MOST convenient fruit lying around, but, if done properly you
can knock out 2 in 10 minutes.  I take the pomegranate and cut off the top where the stem is.  From there, I make shallow quarter cuts running from the top around the bottom back to the opposite side.  Rotate180 degrees and cut in from top to bottom back to top.  You will end up with quarter segments that you can break apart.  You can gently rub the arils away from the white pulp or you can do it underwater.  Either way they should pop out quickly.

 If you follow a meal plan, you most likely have a fruit and healthy fat snack. I would take 1/2 cup pomegranate arils and 2 TBP pepitas and pair as a snack.  You can also throw the arils on a salad for a spunky taste.

Tumeric. This spice has a host of medicinal properties and is also linked to warding off parasites.  You can add it to water and chug or use it on soups, salads, smoothies, eggs, aka ALL your food!  This is your new salt.

pumpkin seed dip
Pumpkin Seeds/Pepitas. Ok, so this is a no brainer for me. They are yummy, fairly inexpensive, and versatile. I put them on my salads, in my soups, I pair them with my pomegranate arils or figs.  I eat them alone.  I give them to my son.  They are good.  You can blend the following ingredients to make a dip for your carrots.

1 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup ACV
2 shakes turmeric
2 TBS minced garlic

Pumpkin seeds are known to paralyze the worms which prevents them from holding on to the intestinal walls during a bowel movement. Take your colon cleanse!!!!

Pineapple. Pineapples are rich in digestive enzymes like bromelain that can have an anti parasitic effect and improve your intestinal health.  Eat with pumpkin seeds or create a smoothie like I did today.
Papaya and Pineapple Smoothie

1/3 of a papaya
Core of a pineapple
4 frozen wheatgrass shots
Coconut water (pure)
add in pumpkin seeds and papaya seeds for an extra boost of parasite paralyzing power. 
add 2 figs for a little sweetness
I added a pinch of cayenne pepper for fun.

Dried Figs. This is a bug-killing food I can get down with.  Super yummy but high in sugar.  Have only 2-3 a day.  The tiny seeds within the fig is known to tear the skin of the parasites.

Figs- 1 Parasites- 0.

Raw Garlic. In attempts to be socially accepted, you may opt for the garlic capsules/supplements.  But as with anything, many properties that make garlic so effective are lost in the processing.  Suck it up and mince a couple of gloves and swallow,  OR add to water and drink, OR add to a raw meal and ingest.  Just get it down. :)

Apple Cider Vinegar. High in B vitamins and is known for balancing the body's pH and improving the digestion.  Parasites love poor digestion. ACV  helps  kill yeast and bacteria within the body and is linked to improving skin conditions.  Start with 1tsp 3x a day 30  minutes before a meal.  I personally love the taste and have upped it to 1 TBS a few times a day.  I give it to my 3yo son with water and honey. He likes it!

Oregano and Clove Essential Oil. These are two oils I have ran across in my research. Oregano more than clove (And the clove oil is not to replace the cloves in your parasite cleanse) You can take 2 drops of oregano essential oil or clove oil in Extra Virgin Coconut oil (about 2 tsp) orally once a day. These are hot oils and need to be diluted with a carrier oil like EVOO or EVCO or encapsulated. They are last on my list but I have read they are effective.

These are things I am adding in each day to clear up my existing parasite situation and to prevent any further infestation. Everything I am writing is based upon my own journey and testimonies along with daily research. I am no expert (yet), we are doing this together.


Remember, keep a diet with no processed foods and low in meat, raw fish, pork and sugar!!! :)
You can do it!!!

Please feel free to comment and share what is working for you.  Together we can help a lot of people.



  1. i picked up papaya seed extract capsules today at the health food store. I'm hoping that they will be as effective as actually eating the seeds... I have a difficult time finding papaya's around here!

  2. I'm sure it's better than nothing!!! I can't imagine us having access to papayas year round either.

    Keep me posted!

  3. How about food grade diatomaceous earth?

  4. Can we used canned pineapples and packed pomegranate juice, as I am from punjab Pakistan, and these are not available fresh here, currently, kindly reply, Thank You
