Friday, November 14, 2014

P.S. You Have Parasites!!! PART TWO

OK, as promised, I want to share a few things form my experience over the past 3.5 weeks of my parasite cleansing.  My first blog post yesterday piqued some interest and spurred some questions. So I will have a FAQ section following my testimony.  Keep in mind, I am not an expert. I have literally only been exploring parasites and the havoc they wreak for …well, 3.5 weeks. But I’ll share what I’ve learned and researched and you will have to make the decision you feel is right for you.  

So going into this cleanse, I was already on an extensive protocol for many intestinal ailments I was already suffering with: leaky gut, mold, bacteria, chronic fatigue virus, parasites, shot liver, damaged adrenals, low iron, low Vit D, etc. (all of which I assume parasites were causing).  Remember, these creatures take control when YOU get weak. So people with lowered immune systems are subject to losing the battle. 

Now I was on this protocol for 5 weeks and I wasn’t feeling that great.  The first 3 weeks of the protocol, I felt like I had the flu. It was horrible. The supplements were clearly working, but I wasn't taking a colon cleanse and I was not going to the bathroom. 

The colon cleanse is SO important, because we need to get the toxins from the dead parasites, OUT. The fiber binds, the clay sweeps.  
So, I wasn't feeling well and  I stumbled upon a blog that literally SPOKE to me.. I could FEEL God saying… DO THIS. SHARE THIS. I couldn’t sleep until I ordered my products. 

The arrived in 2 days time and I started immediately.  I went in with the mindset of.. I’m gonna do this, but I’m NOT GONNA LOOK.  Every blog, forum and article I read, said to inspect your stool.  But MAN, I was totally not digging that. 

I didn't actually check UNITIL one day while in Tropical Smoothie's restroom, I saw an egg sac on my toilet paper (get used to TMI in here). This was about 1.5 weeks in. So when I got my gloves and plastic utensils and plastic cup… I checked my stool.  I found lots of things.  Most, hard to identify, but what was VERY CLEAR were these little pearl-colored, round eggs sacs. There were TONS, well, hundreds.  They were in clusters. I pulled a few to the side of the toilet bowl, scraped them out and put them in a plastic cup (you can use a plate). I applied slight pressure to the egg sac with the plastic knife and the egg came apart into a WORM!!!  The worm was the size of a piece of rice. It had an orange head on either side of it’s body and it was dead. After that,  I have checked periodically and have found something suspect every time. 

side bar: I go to the bathroom WAY more than I normally do. For multiple reasons, I presume. And my BM is a WAY different texture. Almost like paper mache. It's WEIRD!! But don’t freak.  You don’t ever have to RUN to the bathroom. It’s not like that.  It’s probably NORMAL (whatever that is). 

As disgusting as it was to learn that I am hosting WORMS in my body, I was pleased to know my presumptions were true and I could start the healing process. 

Finding the parasites, made me want to kill them even more.  When the protocol seems hard, I power through because I don’t want to give them ANY chance at life. 

Learning this has changed my view of food.  I loved sushi, and now I can’t bring myself to eat it.  Now don’t get me wrong, you can get parasites from organic fruits and vegetables, but that is more of a chance and IMO, sushi is a guarantee. Meats and other animal products are susceptible and processed foods weaken you and feed THEM, so cleanses are NECESSARY. 

I started the cleanse and decided to follow a slightly altered version of Dr. Hulda Clark’s method (mentioned in Part One). Now like I said before, this is a commitment. You go the first two hours of the day without eating... at night, it doesn't get easier. You have to schedule. Good news is, the colon cleanse cleanse does feel you up. :)

Each morning I don't get to eat with my family. But now, Tony is doing it too, so we are in it together. Makes it easier. *note: all family members should cleanse together to keep from reinfecting each other.

 I follow the protocol for 2 weeks, then take a week off, back on for two weeks, 1 week off, then back on for 2. for a total of 9 weeks, with 6 of them CLEANSING weeks.  Make sense?? 

Some smart person said this::::  "Always have a *rest period* such as 2 weeks on, 1 week off etc.
The amount of *arsenic* in the wormwood in these tinctures is of an extremely minute nature.
Actually the rest period is more because of the potentially addictive nature of wormwood.
Again, if used according to the doses given, and in the scheduled time periods alotted,
the risk is very miniscule. "


At this point, I feel SO MUCH BETTER. Not 100% yet, but I'll get there.  So far, I think clearer, I stress WAY less, I don't get so overwhelmed, I'm over-all much more joyful, my cravings for sugar and all foods are virtually GONE,  AAANNNDDD  (drumroll)) I love my husband again, haha.  Kidding, but SERIOUSLY!!!!  

I am excited to keep this going, to kill them all, to get them out, and most importantly to help my family AND YOU, do the same. 

I know when you are starting something new, you naturally have concerns. I get it!!  I have been asked if the wormwood causes other issues, neurological, etc. I can’t be certain either way. I’m fine. And so are many others. Not to say some aren't negatively affected in some way. Every BODY is different. 

I’ve also been asked if the pain or fear is worth it. To that I say, I want to feel like crap for a hot second, so I know the things are dying off. And I fear them staying alive IN me, much worse than how they come out… I think ;) 

Follow the directions, keep a positive mindset, expect the best and know that herbs are God-given and God-made. I ma way more comfortable using natural products than synthetics. 

You'll want to  go ahead and alter your eating patterns to include natural antiparasitic foods and to cleanse your system. Your desire is to NOT give them a happy home. You want to be alkaline and oxygenated. Then they will not even have a way to survive inside you at all. ((Suggested foods below in FAQ. ))


Which bentonite clay is best?? I have been using the “Great Plains” and that is what I have been recommending.

But honestly, the clay we are all using the “Great Plains” probably isn't the BEST.. possibly higher in naturally occurring lead. 

But reviews have been ok. I plan to do a total body cleanse over the next year+. Will keep everyone posted.
You can also check out: and redmond clay I know are good.  

How much wormwood tincture do you use?  I use 4 droppers full. I started with the recommend does of TWO DROPPERS full, but I always end up going to the extreme. Some reviews I read said some users bumped it up and had better results. Because I want to get pregnant again, I'm putting a rush on this. 

Can you cleanse while pregnant? I have researched a TON, and I have found a consistent NO.  The parasites are not good for the mother or fetus, but neither are the daily herbs per se. The optimal situation is to CLEANSE your body BEFORE getting pregnant. But if you already are and feel that you may be hosting. There ARE things you CAN DO.....Like adding certain foods to your daily diet.

Anti-parasitic foods: Parasites do not like these foods.

Raw Garlic-  Chew on a small piece of raw garlic before and after a meal. During pregnancy, a quarter of a clove at a time is more than enough to help get rid of intestinal worms slowly but surely. Antifungal and antibacterial.


Lemon Seeds (crushed)- add it to water and drink. You can also straight up chew them.
Tomato- eat two tomatoes a day
Papaya AND the seeds
Apple Cider VinegarBlend together equal quantities of raw papaya juice and apple cider vinegar with water and drink this concoction to kill off intestinal worms. Drink plenty of water to flush the infection out of your system.
Pomegranate Seeds/Juice- (clean juices only)-  The antioxidants in pomegranates help boost immunity and fight off any infection. Eat or juice. I believe you can even juice the white peel away part for extra boosts. Research that! 
Pumpkin Seeds- Pumpkin seeds contain compounds that are effective in paralyzing worms in the body. Simply include pumpkin seeds daily. Perhaps pair them with pomegranate kernels?? 
Carrots/Carrot Juice-  Drink a glass of fresh carrot juice daily or take two carrots and grate them and eat them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. 
Tumeric- sprinkle it on everything. It's the new salt. 

Oregano and Clove essential oils can be added to water and ingested. 

 Can you cleanse while breastfeeding?? I am. I've prayed about it and got the go ahead. Though, I think my breast milk is tasting funny because he keeps saying I have oils on my breasts. I am certain that Soren already has parasites due to the fact that I do. He will also be treated. And he is not an infant. He is a 40lbs toddler.  Wormwood is not intended for infants, even through breastmilk. Breastfeeding moms, add in the antiparasitic foods listed above.

Can kids cleanse?  I am STILL researching this.  The answer is YES, but I have not found a system that I've seen enough consistent reviews on.  This is HIGH priority for me because I have a 3 year old that I want to treat PRONTO.  Will update as soon as I figure out which route I will take. 

What is the best probiotic for adults and kids? I use orthomelocular orthobiotics as my probiotic. I have found simply by researching that the best probiotics do cost more.  If you are drinking Shakeology and have a lesser expensive probiotic, I’m sure you will be ok.  Perhaps you’d like to add in live food like Kombucha, kimchee or sauerkraut to add extra probiotics into your daily diet.  I’m avoiding animal products like dairy, so Greek yogurt and kefir are out or me and should be limited by you. :) 

For kids…. I have not put my son on a probiotic yet, because he isn’t cleansing and drinks his daily shake.  But when I'm ready and since I like the Renew Life brand, I would probably use this one: Children's probiotic

Can I find these products in stores.  YES, but you have to make sure you get ALL THREE ingredients of the parasite drink. Wormwood, Black Walnut Hull and Cloves.  Whether you follow the protocol I posted, or if you follow Dr. Hulda Clark's original protocol, or if you go willy nilly, you NEED all three ingredients.  Here’s why::::

BLACK WALNUT HULLS (from the black walnut tree - juglans nigra)
 Used by the Indians of America as an anti-parasite, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal remedy. Its active ingredients are juglone, tannin and iodine. The tincture of the green hulls of the black walnut kills the adult stages of the parasites.

WORMWOOD (from the Artemisia shrub - artemisia absinthum)
 Known for its vermicidal properties and helps those with a weak and under-active digestion. It increases the acidity of the stomach and the production of bile. The wormwood capsules kills the larval stages of the parasites

COMMON CLOVES (from the clove tree - eugenia caryophyllata)
Anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It also removes pain. The cloves capsules removes the parasite eggs.

These three herbs must be used together but as separate ingredients. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment

- I actually  found this entire article very informative. 

How much probiotic should I take? I take 2 capsules in the AM and 2 in the PM.  This was my normal on the original protocol so I am keeping it.  The unhealthier the gut, the more you need.  *note: If you have a night of drinking,  an over load of sugar (think Holidays),  super-stressed or have taken antibiotics, you need to up your probiotics.  If you feel one capsule twice a day is enough, it's enough. Follow your instincts. 

How much product should I order? Well because I am aggressive and using 4 droppers full of the tincture each time, I used an entire bottle in my first two weeks.  The one can of psyllium husks lasted me 2.5 weeks and Tony half a week (a total of three weeks). The same for the Bentonite Clay. If it's your whole family or just you, you will want multiple orders of each product, but feel free to order weekly.  Can't have too much fiber around the house and you can always take a bentonite clay detox bath. :)

What do I do after my Parasite Cleanse? 
Continue to take a maintenance dose of the tincture. This may be two to three droppers full, twice a day on an empty stomach once or twice a week. And I will continue ingesting my anti parasitic foods.

And don't forget to jot down your symptoms and ailments prior to starting. We need testimonies in order to help others.

                                SYMPTOMS OF PARASITES::: 

gas and bloating
painful menstruation
irritable bowel syndrome
joint and muscle aches
cravings, especially sugar
skin conditions – mostly irritation/itching at nose, ears, eyes, anus – but also potentially rashes, hives, eczema
sleep disorders
hyperactivity, anxiety
teeth grinding
chronic fatigue
fuzzy thinking
runny nose
blisters on lower lip inside mouth
loss of appetite
bad taste in the mouth
vomiting (may return several times a year)
weight gain OR may have trouble gaining weight, children especially
long-term presence may contribute to the development of food allergies
dark areas under eyes
yeast/candida infection, especially if it returns 

Ok, another info overload.  But I do hope you explore forums, read blogs and due your diligent research.  I wish you HAPPY and HEALTHY cleansing. 



  1. Here's a recipe for vegan sushi!

  2. I'm stalking my mailman until I get my packages!! I can't wait to start this cleanse! <3

  3. So this was a year ago...update?

  4. oh my gosh!!! amazing!!! Wyatt and I just went in for EDS ... kind of what you just did and found we both have parasites. . . we are taking homeopathic tinctures and herbal supplements... I have a parasite cleanse on the way ... and then Brooklyn pooped worms... I actually took them into the clinic to have them test it to determine what parasite it was and they told me it was fecal matter.... when both Ty and I KNOW what it was... it was a worm!!!! the clinic results came back no parasites as well.... this was just today :/ it's been a journey this week.... but I am on this path you started a year ago! Your blog is very helpful!! Thanks lady!!! so blessed to have your wisdom!!! God has a way of working things out in His perfect timing and I literally just stumbled on your blog tonight.... crazy perfect timing!!!

  5. Love your blogs!
    How are you doing now?

    How often do you do a cleansing now?

    Glad you told want to get 3 yo cleansed as soon as you can.

    A helpful book is Prescription For Nutritional Healing.

    Growing up in the 50s -60s moms kept better eye on parasites. Especially when the child had them.

    I remember getting castor oil, some sort of other oral medication—guessing it was a herbal treatment my aunt made. And of course, enemas were given. Back then it was the mild warm soapy enema. Given with the bulb syringe.
    Followed by a second enema that was plain warm water enema.
    Seemed everything in the house was cleaned and cleaned again.
    I remember my aunt making cleaning solution—I think—with lemon juice mixed with warm water. Or vinegar.

    Other things were given and done. I’ll write them later as I think about them.

    I now do coffee enemas, garlic enemas and other enemas.

    I read your other blog when you told you read about parasites and enemas when getting enemas.
    Omg that is me. I read about enemas and parasites and other things when getting an enema. Been curious about this forever!

    I sat for a woman when I was in college. She was a nurse.
    She was the same way. We loved talking about parasites, enemas and more.
    She gave and got enemas in her home. Being single mom she couldn’t run to the doctor all the time. She was a believer in natural remedies.
    When I sat for her I would read in her home nursing books about parasites, enemas and more.
    Sometimes the enema bag or bulb syringe was airing out in the bathroom. Or both. So I knew she got or gave an enema before I arrived to sit.

    The new enema bag smell will go away with use. It is not harmful. I read somewhere to clean with mild soapy water and rinse. Then put some like lemon juice in the bag overnight. Will have to check on that and post later if it is lemon juice soak.

  6. Thankfully this blog, and others like it, are here. For all to share and learn.
    Wondering if parasites are more now than years ago?
    Reading Carol’s comments above reminds me of growing up and being treated. I remember my mom and aunt telling other moms that one of us had worms! Ughh! OMG, always embarrassed me. Cause I knew they would then say “time for the oil and enemas.”
    Speaking of the enema, anyone used the bulb syringe?
    I been looking for one.

    1. Anonymous, your comment is little old. So hope you found an enema bulb syringe by now.
      A few places you can find one…
      -try your local drugstore/pharmacy
      -look at optimalhealthnetwork.Com. Called OHN.
      Kristina sells soaps, EOs, oils, enemas…the bag, bucket, bulb and higginson.. DeeDee there was super helpful!
      -while visiting another mom she told me about pic solution. Found at: Scroll down to see the various bulb sizes.
      She had the 260 ml syringe. It holds little over 8oz. Scroll right to the last syringe. It is 340 ml (I think). There are two pictures of it. So you can see the bulb out of the box. The syringes are reasonably priced. The shipping is little high. Great quality. I ordered a 260 ml bulb. I have given a few enemas with it. I have gotten an enema with it. Very soft. Easy to fill and give an enema. No don’t s ll for pic. Only convinced they are the best enema bulbs.
      Someone on here wrote saying the enema takes lots of preparation time. That is true. But after giving, or getting, a few enemas it becomes easier.
      I get a bag enema on the bed. Never had a problem. I give the bulb enema to my kids when needed.
      Given n table. Towel on the table. Patient is on lack laying on towel. Legs held up in the air some.
      If it’s your first time administering an enema may be helpful to ask another mom to assist.
      DeeDee at OHN was so very helpful! When I wanted to give first ever enema to one of mine she took time to tell which bulb would be best for it. How to prepare the room and him. Where best to give it. She told me she gave the bulb enema to her two. And gave the enema on the kitchen table. Which I had already read about. She told me how to prepare the solution and the one getting the enema. Can’t say enough about OHN!
      She told me the enema is given at OHN.
      Read on the web page.
      Talking too much…sorry…

  7. Love this blog. Did you give the cleanse to 3 yo (Soren think that’s name — sorry)?
    You told wanted to cleanse him pronto.
    Which route did you take with him?

    Did it help?
    Did you give woodworm?
    Did you give DE?

    For anonymous above: your local drug store should have enema bulb syringes.
    Also, can find on line at
    Called OHN
    Kristina and DeeDee are very helpful. Good quality products. Over the years, I purchased a few enema bags and bulbs from OHN.
    Years ago I got my first bulb syringe from OHN. It was a 4 oz one. No longer sold by OHN. Then later I got a 8 oz bulb from OHN.
    I saw a 8oz enema bulb syringe at my local drug store the other day.
    Dee Dee at OHN was very helpful. Helped me buy the syringe and the “Made For Enema Soap Bar.”

    For the enemas I made bowl of warm soapy water with the soap bar. Kristina’s soap is natural and non irritating.

    Best to consult with your doctor before giving enemas.
